Monday, 4 April 2011

Main Task: Audience analysis- Questionnaire

When undertaking the audience analysis the group composed a questionnaire. I have included this below in a written format which matched the actual hard-copy distributed to the class.


Media Questionnaire “Brian” – Charlotte Harbour, Rachel Davis, Vicky Hart

1.                  Did the opening make sense to you?        YES           SLIGHTLY         NO

2.                  Did you enjoy the film?                                   YES           SLIGHTLY         NO

3.                  This is a comedy film, how funny did you find it on a scale of one to ten? (one being the lowest)  

 1             2              3              4              5              6              7              8              9              10

4.                  Did this opening sequence make you want to watch the rest of the film?       YES                    SLIGHTLY         NO

5.                  Did the range of camera shots keep you informed and interested?                  YES     SLIGHTLY         NO

6.                  Were there any continuity errors that you noticed at any time?                        YES         NO

If yes please state what and where: _________________________________________________

7.                  Do you think it is a positive or negative representation of social groups?

 POSITIVE            NEUTRAL             NEGATIVE

Please expand on your answer:______________________________________________________

8.                   Would you recommend this film to a friend?         YES      NO

9.                  Did you like or dislike the fact that there was no dialogue, only a voiceover?         YES        NO

10.               Did you believe that the costume was appropriate for the characters?        YES    NO

11.               Was the setting believable/realistic and did it fit in with the representations of the characters?    YES     NO

12.               Would you buy a copy of this on DVD if it were available to you?   YES     MAYBE    NO

If no, why not? __________________________________________________________________

13.               Does this film follow the usual conventions of media products?     YES      NO

Please expand on your answer:_____________________________________________________

14.               Did you lose interest at any point, if yes- please expand?   YES     NO

If yes, please expand:_____________________________________________________________

15.               What did you think we were trying to achieve in our film?


We tried to include a variety of different questions which were both open and closed. We wanted mainly closed questions because these allowed us to analyse the data more effectively. This also helped us because we wanted to included qualitative and qualitative questions too. 

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